Master Contract Number: 47QTCB22D0096
UEI Number: R1WHAZ81B9L9
DUNS Number: 828224027
Cage Code: 5T1Q9
8(a) STARS III Link http://www.gsa.gov/stars3
Contract Ordering Period: 7/2/2021-7/1/2026 with one three year option
Task Order Performance can go 5 years beyond Contract ordering end date.
8(a) STARS III was awarded under NAICS: 541512, Computer Systems Design Services. Requirements that align with other IT services NAICS codes are within the scope of the STARS III GWAC. These NAICS codes include, but are not limited to 541511, 541513, 541519, 518210
Directed awards allowed for orders up to the 8(a) Competitive Threshold
Program Manager: Mr. Mansoor Lodi
(e): [email protected] (p): (703)342 8071

Contract Number: 693KA9-22-A-00042
eFast link https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/afn/offices/acquisitions/efast
Program Manager: Mr. Mansoor Lodi
(e): [email protected] (p): (703)342 8071

GSA eLibrary Link https://gsaelibrary.gsa.gov/ElibMain/searchResults.do?searchText=eai+business&searchType=allWords&x=33&y=5
Program Manager: Mr. Mansoor Lodi
(e): [email protected] (p): (703)342 8071